
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

MY FRENCH SHUI CAFÉ BLOG ARCHIVES: 08/06/2009 Unleash the Power Within - The Tony Robbins Seminar

Unleash the Power Within - The Tony Robbins Seminar


As you may know, I just spent 4 days with my friend Veronica (@JourneyMagic) in
San Jose attending the Unleash the Power Within seminar lead by Tony Robbins and facilitated by the facetious Joseph McClendon.

How to describe that moment? AND why does my blog suddenly writes itself in blue? No kidding... ???


"Live strong and live in passion!"  is one of the mantras that Tony Robbins uses for 30 years to get people thrive in their life, while eliminating all the "programing BS" that poisons them since they are kids and kill them slowly. Do  any of these conditionings ring a bell?
  • "I am too young to"
  • "I am too old to"
  • "I am too poor to"
  • "I am not enough to"
  • "I don't have time to"
  •  "I'm not able to"
  • "I am fat because I have big bones"
I discovered Tony Robbins in the 90's while  I was also reading Eric Berne's What Do You Say After You Say Hello and Richard Bandler's books on NLP.  I was at that time transitioning between my job as the Director of a Graphic Design school towards a coaching practice. I had seen for years students (and teachers!) fighting against the weight of engraved patterns.  How many times had I said "You are not like that, you are not what they say, you do not have to fit the image you've been stamped with!"...

Transactional Analysis , NLP, hypnotherapy... All these techniques have encountered a lot of critics, as they were shaking hard the psychiatric intelligentsia.  Now people can testify they work. Most successful politics, athletes, businessmen/women use them to get exceptional results.

We can change your fate by releasing the fear, changing our limiting beliefs, our physiology, our approach, and by taking "massive action" towards the goals, not the obstacles!
Thanks to these authors, I  changed dramatically my vision on my own life mechanisms and also my way of helping people grow in emergency situations, without years of therapy. I became more efficient for others, and one step free-er!

Here are a few highlights of the Unleash the Power Within.  I could not obviously film during the personal development/ sharing parts of the seminar. I was crying and laughing like everybody else! I added a few videos for you to explain how I went to the Seminar and get my perspective on it.
Just imagine  3000 +1 people from all over the demographic maps gathering to change their life, and living for 4 days an incredible experience I was not even expecting at all. A magical sense of community.

Be good and certainly not behave!
Smiles, blessings and action!


Accepting miracles, and being thankful. How I got to go to the UPW Tony Robbbins' seminar!
Accepter les miracles et remercier. Comment j'ai pu aller au seminaire de Tony Robbins UPW.

My impressions of the UPW Tony Robbins' seminar in San Jose, CA, July 2009. (1)

Mes impression sur le seminaire UPW de Tony Robbins a San Jose, Californie, Juillet 2009. (1)
My impressions on the UPW Tony Robbins'seminar, July 2009, San Jose, CA. (2)

Mes impressions sur le seminaire de Tony Robbins UPW, San Jose, Californie, Juillet 2009. (2)

Are you ready for this? Pumping up the group energy before the introspection. 

Est-ce que vous etes prets? L'energie de groupe monte avant d'attaquer l'introspection.

"It is not about firewalking, it is about dissociating from the fear" 

"Le probleme n'est pas de marcher sur les charbons ardents, mais de se dissocier de la peur" - Tony Robbins

After 4 hours of intense core process and restructuration without break, celebrating! 

Apres 4 heures de travail "au coeur", et sans pause, la celebration!

An incredible energy, the end of the 3 day process, 3000 people jumping and laughing and dancing, free. And a drenched Tony Robbins who thanks everybody. 

Une energie incroyable, conclusion d'un parcours de 3 jours, 3000 personnes qui sautent et dansent et rient, libres. Et Tony Robbins, trempe, qui remercie.


Your Comments:
  • 8/9/2009 10:02 AM journeymagic wrote:
    Catherine Cherie, congratulations on a great VLOG about our UPW San Jose experience....
    You've been very productive and I'm proud of you!
    Miss you and hope to see you soon!
    Bisou xo
  • 8/9/2009 11:24 AM BawldGuy wrote:
    I've followed both Tony Robbins and NLP since the late 80's.
    Robbins uses both NLP and Biblical principles for nearly everything he teaches, which is why he's lasted so long. Solid substance always wins out over time.

    Like Dad said, 'Nothing succeeds like success.'
  • 8/9/2009 11:34 AM Laura Iriarte wrote:
    Catherine, looks like you had an amazing incredible time!
    Very fun and inspiring! 

  • 8/20/2009 7:44 PM Amy Jewell wrote:

    What a treat this way, watching your videos! Now I can see you AND hear you! It was great meeting you. Looking forward to the first of many projects that we may end up doing together in the future!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

MY FRENCH SHUI CAFÉ BLOG ARCHIVES: 08/31/2009 People like you and me. Why charity should begin at our doorstep. Now.

People like you and me. Why charity should begin at our doorstep. Now.
"I want you to be concerned about your next door neighbor. Do you know your next door neighbor?"~ Mother Theresa

Bonjour mes amis!

This new post is probably not the most fun one I could ever blog but it is essential to me.

A few months ago, I was talking with a friend of mine and expressing how tired I was of seeing otherwise very generous people giving lots of money to multiple charities all over the world, while closing their eyes on the striking raising poverty in their own neighborhood or even personal circles.
Don't get me wrong: I do NOT say not to donate to worldwide non profits. They do a fabulous job and we all need to support them.  Two of my favorites: Medecins sans Frontieres
and Amnesty International

What I say is, and I am sure that it could sound provocative, is:
We can't fool ourselves by only sending tax deductible checks and feeling good about it while we are surrounded by a growing wave of desperation in our closest environment.

I know, it is as easy to loose touch with our surroundings as it is to get distracted on Twitter! We live separated by gizmos, screened by passwords; even resumes are first selected by computers before anybody get to read them! People like you and me and who have still have jobs are overworked and scared of losing their position/clients, while laid-off people also like you and me are busy trying to make things happen before... before what? ... before the unemployment checks stop paying their rent, before their
savings stop paying their mortgage, before ... they are suddenly homeless.
People like you and me.

Yesterday I met Elyssa Durant on Twitter (@ElyssaD) and I encourage you to subscribe to her blog:
Elyssa blogs on a her everyday fight to get a home, escape from the shelter violence, get back to the decent life that escaped from her one day, by accident. Trust me, it is not sugar-coated and you will witness a 35 year old girl trying to keep her sanity and her backberry while facing violence, incompetence, denial, abandon.
A girl like you and me.

One last thought... You may find ironic that I look so dressed up on a Vlog talking about homeless. It is purposefully planed. Appearances are deceiving. Take me as an example. If tomorrow I do not have enough clients/projects to pay for my bills and rent, what do you think will happen? I have no back up. Will I lose my stylish clothes and famous shoes? NO: I will loose my home. At first it will not show on my social image. I will probably still look fabulous for a while. However it will maybe kill me.
A girl like you: me?

We are one.
Let's open our hearts, our eyes, and give a hand or a food basket!
Asking our neighbors and our friends: "How are you doing? Are you OK?" and really listening to their answer.

In Joy and Respect, for All.


PS: Once more I want to promote the mission of my friend Richard Bassett (@RichBassett) in Boston who does an incredible job to raise awareness for human causes and connect people:

PPS: I am working hard on the Saint Vincent Pro-Bono project now with the support of the San Francisco Design Center and Philanthropy By Design. If you want to give at-risk abused teenagers a chance to stand for themselves by living in a healthier uplifting home, contact me. I am remodeling a house with Feng Shui principles and fun colors! Merci.

Know your neighbors. Build a true community. We can all be homeless tomorrow.
"The act of NOT helping is an action in and if itself. Do not look the other way, bystander apathy public safety issue for all. Random Act Of Kindness". ~ Elyssa Durant 

Your Comments:

8/31/2009 5:57 PM Debby wrote:

I didn't realize how involved you are in so many worthwhile organizations and your words ring so true. "No man is an island", as they say. How important it is to be attentive and empathetic to others around us, to count our blessings and/or lucky stars, to lend our ears and hearts to others, and express gratitude daily as soon as our feet hit the ground in the morning.

Merci de nous rappeler l'essentiel de la vie!
8/31/2009 6:28 PM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
Merci beaucoup!
Your beautiful comment touches me a lot.

I dedicated all my career to "the human", "l'humain". With different ways, different points of entries, from education and art when I was managing a Graphic Design School in Paris to training and coaching and interior decoration and Feng Shui and... The list never ends, as whoever I am in this incarnation, I will find a way to grow and help somebody else growing too. Sometimes it is a small touch, sometimes it gets more visible.

In my career and my personal life, I saw so many incredible beings crunched by
accidents, when sometimes just a piece of free legal advice or an anonymous donation would have given them the push they needed to make it through. But "nobody knew"... Same way that "nobody knows" when children are abused or an entire population is dis/misplaced!

Of course I have also my
soft points, I am not detached at all from the consumerism! Trust me... too many shoes, not enough feet! Far away from perfection, this is why I am so human! However the more I grow, the less I judge, but the less tolerance I have for hypocrisy or denial!

Smiles and Blessings to you,
Au revoir...

8/31/2009 9:24 PM Heather wrote:
Catherine, once again you have hit on the essence of the issue.
Who are our neighbors? Why don't we know each other? What accountability do we have to each other? Who do we turn to when we need help? How many people can you really ask for help if you need it?
Sadly for many they feel there is no one, and when the work, money and support disappears really nice people like you and me end up in dire situations.
But there is always someone who has it worse, and if you are in a position to help you should start close to home. And start by answering the tough questions.
Thank you for your inspiration and for the courage!
8/31/2009 10:55 PM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
Merci Heather...

I was thinking of our conversation, and then I met Elyssa. When I went on her blog, the post got my in tears in 1/2 of a second. Big tears, the wave. I decided to do this post.

If one of my readers/watchers ask a friend or a neighbor a real question tonight, it will already be useful.

Smiles, Blessings and Bacon cookies (private joke)!

9/1/2009 9:23 AM anne wrote:
Je constate quand même que les services sociaux sont nettement plus deficients outre-Atlantique qu'en Suisse, mais hélas ça en prend aussi le chemin chez nous avec toutes les coupes annoncées dans les dépenses publiques... En attendant, je m'occupe quand je peux de ma vieille voisine, qui elle n'est pas à la rue, mais bon, c'est ma BA perso...
9/1/2009 10:55 AM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
Bonjour Anne!
Nor a lot of ! in my last post as you noticed...
I am sorry to read that even in Switzerland, budgets for helping people in need get cut. 
9/3/2009 4:33 PM Anita Nelson wrote:
Brilliant post, Catherine!

Yesterday on our local news, they showed the disbanding of a "tent city" no one really knew existed near Ann Arbor, MI. Here were people living beneath trees and a tarp - lots of them! - and they were VERY upset to be losing THAT set up. They had lived in an apartment building that had apparently gone bankrupt and they didn't know where they would go! I thought, they are already nowhere, surely a government agency will step in! But they had already "used up" their time at the shelters.
I have not seen a follow up story on this! There's ALWAYS a follow up story the next day about how an apartment let the people live there or the shelter let them in. Not today. I don't know what to do. This is a couple of hundred miles from me, yet it's right next door. You're so very right about how close any of us actually is. There but for the Grace of God go I.
Thank you for this post, Catherine.
Anita Nelson @ModelSupplies
9/3/2009 4:59 PM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
Merci Anita,
for this heartfelt comment.

Every coach will tell you that every success story begins with a bankruptcy but I am not so sure it works that well when people have entire families to support and not even a bathroom. It is easier to get one friend on your sofa than one family.
What to do? Accept the survival of the fittest and nobody else? I don't think so!
Raise awareness in your own community, have a fundraising, find a building owner who could maybe help...
Ma cherie, I don't know either... But stand for what you feel is true, and build a bit more community, step by step.

Joy & Respect,
10/6/2009 8:42 PM Jodi Raven Hawk wrote:
In my world, you donate yourself to your community. Elders are taken care of and people who need help get it most the time. That is what I was taught on my path and it was also innate in my spirit growing up.

My father died when I was 8. There were crazy times that followed, however, my mother instilled in me how to give. Before she started back to school, my mom would bring home people from the Free Clinic in SF as they had no where else to go. She fed them and they would stay a bit. Although my mom didn't have much money, it didn't stop her from giving.

Giving begins at home. For me, I have no children, however, I am care taker of my four legged kids. I am also care taker of this earth. I go out and give of myself. I miss that right now as money is so tight I cannot afford the gas I would need to do some HIV counseling in another town.

Everyday, I see something new. I look around me. Today I saw two small doe's. It saddened my heart as I knew that their parent must have been killed and they were fending for themselves.
You can be anywhere and notice things. Does not have to be in the country. When I am doing errands, I might notice a bird that landed near by and say hello. I might just smile or open a door for someone. Giving comes in many forms.
I do miss that I cannot give to organizations. I NEVER used them as tax deductions. I gave to them as I believed in the work they were doing.

There are times that it is GOOD to be distracted by your surroundings as they can be quite negative. Being a person that remains calm and peaceful inside as there is craziness all around them. Your energy can affect water. It can affect so many things. The way you give, does it come from your heart? Are you trying to prove something to others? Many reasons why someone gives.
I have been on a fixed income for a long time now, however, it never prevented me from volunteering somewhere. With the homeless, HIV/AIDS counseling, Alcohol/Drug counseling, working to rehabilitate seals back to the wild. The list goes on and on. That is what my spirit misses in my life.
I was ALWAYS grateful for any part time job I could get to help with the finances. People who do have jobs tend to forget those who do not.

That is why I chose to persue my dream of writing. Getting our animated screenplay on the screen. What am I going to do when that happens. First take care of me (as I tend to over give) then work my way through my small community, then to the world at large.
Giving, I feel, needs to come from an unconditonal love in your heart. It all starts with the heart and the energy you emit from it. There are so many ways to give. So many things to see.
Just this morning I was sitting on my steps watching the full moon and thinking just how beautiful it was. The cold wasn't even affecting me - it was 30 degrees outside.

I really like your blogs. They bring up issues that need to be discussed and hopefully more will wake up and "smell" the roses.
10/19/2009 1:53 AM Interior French wrote:
I love this article. It really shows how people should be concerned about everybody that she/he knows.

11/24/2009 11:32 AM Britt wrote:

MY FRENCH SHUI CAFÉ BLOG ARCHIVES: 07/02/2009 When the Universe speaks, listen!

When the Universe speaks, listen!

I am just back from the special Back and Neck Care Yoga class designed by the fabulous Anne Saliou,  who helps every week people moving her body again...  A beautiful heart, and a French accent too!

I am also very grateful to the incredibly generous Ann Hood, chiropractor and physical therapist:

If you are in San Francisco, check them out! I owe them a lot of mobility, and way less pain!

Now you are really wondering if I am having a #FollowFriday Twitter moment!
Not at all. Here is my story, for you.

Be good, and don't behave, but by all means, listen to the signs!


BTW, talking about Twitter, if you could post your comments on this vlog instead of sending me Direct Messages there, it would help me a lot, as I sometimes miss the DMs. Merci!

And make sure to scroll all the way down for a special Happy Birthday...

Listen to the Universe, take care of yourself.

Celebrate Catherine Bergeret's birthday, talented artist and one of my very closest friends! Une femme exceptionnelle.

Your Comments: 

7/3/2009 2:55 AM Richard Allan Marti Jr wrote:
Catherine, you are so right. If we are quiet and listen, we can listen and learn to live in harmony with ourselves and the universe. Namaste

7/3/2009 7:17 AM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
Bonjour Richard!

The trick is we don't even have to be quiet. 
Simply not in denial! ... "simply"???? Ah la la, those humans!  

Happy fireworks!


7/3/2009 6:07 AM Deborah Lee wrote:
Everything you talk about resonated with me Catherine! I believe we spend so much time and energy pushing against the direction the universe wants us to go.
I too have carried on drawing cards in the hope that they will get better .... they didn't!

7/3/2009 7:00 AM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
Bonjour, Deborah in the UK!

Indeed, what I noticed with cards and pendulum is that, when you ask more than 3 times the same question, they simply refuse to play your game! My pendulum freezes literally, nothing could make it move. Regarding the cards, usually the deck stays very compact or fall on the floor when shuffled.

Thou shall trust the Universe but not mess with it!

Create and Enjoy a gorgeous week-end,

Sunday, July 28, 2013

MY FRENCH SHUI CAFÉ BLOG ARCHIVES: 07/07/2009 Receiving the energy of the Full Moon

Receiving the energy of the Full Moon

Tonight the Moon is full and her gorgeous energy will be a support for your summer ventures.
I share with you this very simple ritual that you can do in the middle of the country or on a roof in NYC, on the Trocadero in Paris or in the Australian Outback!

Simple and however very powerful. It is like taking a Moon shower, washing off the dust, opening up to new insights. The Moon is all about revealing through the shadows, showing and hiding. The Yin female energy at its highest concentration! 

Enjoy, it is organic, and free! Bonne nuit, faites de beaux reves*...

And as usual, be good and don't behave!


*Good night, sweet dreams...

Full Moon Ritual to receive the Yin universal energy.

Your Comments:

7/10/2009 7:13 AM Janine wrote:
Very interesting. I will try this and report back with my experience.

MY FRENCH SHUI CAFÉ BLOG ARCHIVES: 07/09/2009 & 07/11/2009 Change your Space, Change your Life! - workshop

Before the workshop:
Change your Space, Change your Life! - workshop


If you live around San Francisco, join Sejal the fabulous deco stager, Joshua, the organizer master, and my French Shui self for our free workshop "Change your Space, Change your Life! - part 2 ". You can bring your pictures or floor plan, open Q&A at the end of the talk.

In the meantime, check out some highlights of our June workshop:

I will see you in Mountain View -  Saturday the 11th of July 2009 - 10am until 11.15am - Gingko 2496 W.El Camino Real - Mountain View -  Saturday the 11th of July 2009 - 10am until 11.15am - Gingko 2496 W.El Camino Real - Mountain View -  Saturday the 11th of July 2009 - 10am until 11.15am - Gingko 2496 W.El Camino Real ... I guess you got it!  

Au revoir!

After the workshop:

Change your Space, Change your Life Workshop - 2

Bonjour mes amis!

Back from the Mountain View workshop and despite all the efforts of the fabulous Leslie Carothers ( to distract me on Twitter with her great sense of humor and her deep ethics, here I am, uploading a new -and this time, long- video for you.

The real video camera went on strike just before the show (this is not a French camera, don't even go there!), so I recorded with the video option of my normal camera. Sorry for the lack of light, frame, etc.  Anyway you can't complain because whether you are in NYC, Switzerland, Australia, Malaysia or San Francisco (and you, you could have made it to Mountain View, I know who you are, lazy drivers!), you still get my morning insights for free, delivered fresh and nearly live to your desktop! However you will miss some of the talk of my friends and co-experts and our Q&A as the camera memory got full... C'est la vie!

Please remember to  post your comments and questions here and show me your support on Twitter too.
It means a lot to me, and provides me with an exposure I absolutely need for my next project! I will tell you about it later... Merci!

Enjoy a beautiful week-end, wherever you are!
Au revoir, be good and do not behave.


... One hour later and a big phone moment with GoDaddy customer service, I now know that despite what they had told me twice before when I open the account and created the vlog, they have a 5 minute limit on videos that are directly uploaded. Therefore, I  need to post on YouTube now the whole unedited video, and paste here. I will not make any comment, just breathe deeply. And probably move soon out of GoDaddy zone.

... Even more time later, I realized that YouTube will not allow me to
upload a 15 minute video. No comment...

Therefore I am going to slice now my video in 3 pieces so that you still get the whole thing. I am not going to let a computerized system dictate what I can share with my people! Voila!

... ok... and now I just saw that the video appears upside down. And I have a question: Is Mercury back in Retrograde or am I just doomed today? (please do not answer!

I began this post around 3.30pm, it is now 11.47pm, my video looks like a French sliced saucisson... Enjoy, still!

Change your space, change your life 2nd workshop - Feng Shui - July 2009 (1)

Change your space, change your life 2nd workshop - Feng Shui - July 2009 (2)

Change your space, change your life 2nd workshop - Feng Shui - July 2009 (3)

Change your space, change your life 2nd workshop - Feng Shui - July 2009 (4)

Your Comments:

7/12/2009 12:42 AM Matt Klein wrote:
Bonsoir Catherine! Magnifique! You have great stage presence and command of your audience. Best of all, even with your accent (which is lovely btw), you still manage to sound more intelligent and articulate than 90% of Americans

I don't normally pay attention to blogs or vlogs but yours is special. It's easy to be drown out by the cacophony of so many people clamoring to be heard and get their messages across, so I feel fortunate to have met you. You bring such zest and passion to your work that it's really apparent you are doing this not just to make a living, but out of a genuine love for it, and, at the risk of sounding cheesy, you let your inner light shine through every time. I wish you unbounded success and happiness! Au revoir, namaste, Matt.

ps. so nice to have more than 140 characters with which to communicate!

7/19/2009 4:00 PM Heather Lindquist wrote:


Merci beaucoup Catherine! These videos on changing your space have been very informative and helpful. Your intuitive sense and care for others comes through. It is nice to see someone genuine and well rounded in the many facets involved in providing the best feng shui. Thank you for your insight. I look forward to working with you in the future. Love and light.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

MY FRENCH SHUI CAFÉ BLOG ARCHIVES: 07/16/2009 A Bridge Meditation

A Bridge Meditation

For you today a visualization to do 9 days on the row.
Every time, write down what happens and at the end of the cycle, you should have a  lot of deep insights to help you move forward in a transition time.
In the video, I say to do it at night, but you can just do it when it is convenient for you. Don't skip a day or begin the process again!

Please leave your comments here, don't forget to subscribe and recommend my Vlog if you enjoy it, and of course, see you on Twitter and on my Facebook fan pages!

I will have soon very exciting news on a Pro Bono project I am working on to beautify the every day life of kids in trouble, and another project about death and reincarnation... Oui!

BTW, did you visit my site: ?

I also do remote consultations, even for decor.  I just finished painting a 3 story new house in Mexico, never been on site, and my client is delighted (he will take pictures soon, he promised)! So if you know somebody who could appreciate my services... I always appreciate business referrals! Your favorite French Cat needs to eat too!  

Au revoir, be good, and don't behave!


A Bridge
Meditation for Transition Times

Your Comments:

7/18/2009 10:39 PM matt wrote:
Nice bridge; love the leather jacket.

I always enjoy your posts and look forward to each one. They are like chocolates, yes, of course "you never know what you're going to get" but, they're always delicious and make me smile.

I think you would do well leading meditations and/or pranayama. Do you do any chanting perhaps?

Au revoir. namaste.

7/20/2009 4:43 PM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:

Merci beaucoup for your witty comment. I love chocolates, good ones, not too sweet... Anyway, that was not your question!

I do lead guided meditations and participated in different circles, specially when I was living in Pacifica, building community with my dear friend Mickael Black, a great Earth healer, and the radiant yogi Quinh, who cannot stand the French way of kissing people on the cheecks!

Funny you asked actually, because I am going to launch soon a guided meditation program in San Francisco and I just need the perfect space for that. I put it in the Universe now! It is done, so be it!

About the pranayama and other mantras, do you really think my French accent will do? I don't!

Namaste, Au revoir...


MY FRENCH SHUI CAFÉ BLOG ARCHIVES: 07/21/2009 Beyond the eclipse... Feng Shui to get a contract signed

Beyond the eclipse... Feng Shui to get a contract signed

Waow, the draining energy of this eclipse was so strong, I thought I will never record this post for you! But I had promised to Leslie and Zna on Twitter, so here it is! FYI before being able to even talk, I did a space clearing, a deep meditation
 and began a vision board!
·         First you will get a quick take on "The eclipse and I"!
·         Then, you will hear me ranting about Feng Shui schools. Let's make it clear! For what I saw in the past 11 years, there are not bad Feng Shui lineages, however there are sometimes some untrained practitioners, and some very aggressive ones too! (I said it, let's move on!).
·         Finally, you will learn what you need to know to put all the chances on your side to get a contract signed.  Remember that your office needs to be cleaned and as organized as possible before you do any energetic adjustment. In the video, I speak mainly from a Black Sect lineage perspective who uses the Ba Gua areas (LI, TUI and CHYAN) as a road map, with the front door as the reference (bottom of the map). The indications of directions (South, West and North-West) are for people following the Compass. Do not try to mix both methods, pick one.
·         By the way, if you want to follow on Twitter a very interesting and open minded Compass School Feng Shui Master: @FengShuiAvatar is your guide! Great Australian Lady, I wish she was here!
Comment your quick questions, I will answer.  If you need a remote consultation, let me know; Skype is a fabulous tool!

Be good and don't behave, enjoy the New Moon...


The eclipse and I!

Feng Shui Schools and Lineages: My Point of View.

Feng Shui tips to attract luck on a contract.

(When we transferred the blog to this new space, we unfortunately lost this video. C'est la vie...)

Your Comments:

7/22/2009 10:19 AM matt wrote:
Excellent advice. Thank you! I understand your view on Feng Shui schools. Use what is valuable to you; empower yourself with knowledge from all points of view. Well done. Au revoir!
7/22/2009 5:33 PM Ann Evanston wrote:
So interesting and i loved your videos! I find it interesting that you cal it contract "luck" though. From a Feng Shui aspect, is it really luck?

Ann Evanston
The Warrior is Within You

7/22/2009 5:59 PM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
Bonjour Ann!

I like you!

I debated last night to know if I should use the word luck or not, and here you are...
Human, Heaven and Earth. Feng Shui equation.
I show here how to harness the universal energies towards a goal. And I insist on putting intention into it. Then... there is always a final touch that is linked with the circumstances of the other involved, the group karma also, etc... Luck comes in!

Voila, next time I debate about a word, I promise not to use it!

Thank you for commenting, I really appreciate.


MY FRENCH SHUI CAFÉ BLOG ARCHIVES: 07/28/2009 How to (not) meditate!

How to (not) meditate!
For years I have been asked by clients and friends “how to meditate”, "what is the right way” to meditate… People are often afraid of “not being able to meditate”. Afraid of failing!
Following the input of my tweemi (twitter + ami/friend) and Yoga teacher Matt, I decided to give you some guidelines. It has been awfully difficult to make this video, I did several takes and I was laughing, looking for my words. Then I took a break and changed my perspective (Perrie, don’t you love that?!) and everything flowed perfectly!
Now, let’s make a few things clear:
First, as you may have noticed, I am a city girl, energetic, multitasking, not exactly the “quite mind” type. So if you think meditation is a weird practice that you have a hard time to simply apprehend, I hear you! It is! But it is incredibly rewarding once you begin.
Then, and before some hardcore purists throw more stones at me, I know that having a background music or a guided visualization is not the ultimate way to meditate. But how do you want to win the Tour de France if you don’t even know how to pedal? Hum? Merci!
Finally, this post is my take on the subject. I would be happy to hear yours. Comment! This place is called French Shui Café for a reason: it is all about sitting around a virtual table together and sharing about life.
Meditation, like Yoga, is not a competition. The truth is in the alignment and the unity.
Be good and don’t behave,
How (not) to meditate!

Your Comments:

7/28/2009 8:21 PM Elisabeth wrote:
I marvel at this!
Merci mille fois for sharing this great, reassuring instruction in such a stylish way.
But what am I thinking? That's why we call you La Belle Catherine!

8/12/2009 12:04 PM Andy Stock wrote:
Hi again Cat, I was just cut off from leaving you a message, but here goes.

Thanks for your comments on meditation,
its hard to define. I believe that
is a good plave to visit on the subject.
Hope to see you sometime. Andy

8/12/2009 1:00 PM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
Bonjour Andy!
Thank you for sharing! I think your cute retreat in Mexico would be the perfect place to meditate...