
Friday, August 2, 2013

MY FRENCH SHUI CAFÉ BLOG ARCHIVES: 10/14/2009 Life is NOT beige! When Feng Shui meets Interior Decoration...

Life is NOT beige! When Feng Shui meets Interior Decoration...

Today's post has been inspired by a question from my tweemie 
Tambra Harck about the influence of colors in Feng Shui and homes.

Just a few words to introduce the subject...

When I moved to San Francisco, 9 years ago, and began to work in the furniture industry, I was shocked to see that most people were "matching" sofas and chairs, "blending" neutrals. The only real colors in retail were mostly dark reds on leather library chairs.

I was then working at the brand new 
Crate and Barrel Furniture store downtown San Francisco, in the fine furniture department.
To this day, I still remember how happy one of my customers was when he came back to me and announced: "I made it Catherine! I listened to you and I went for color! You can be proud of me!" . He was holding a dark chocolate velvet pillow. Dark chocolate. To go on his all beige furniture...  I had envisioned a more powerful combination like a hot pink or spring green to make the room happen... However it was a start and I congratulated him!

All my clients know that even if I may play with specific chic beiges, you can't pronounce the B word ("blending") in front of me! All my life I have been working towards harmony and personal development, and I certainly do not promote the disappearance of the personality! 

Now look around you! There is nothing quicker and cheaper than adding a layer of fresh paint to change the energy and the look of a room, whether in a home, an office, a business, a restaurant... Experiment by yourself or book me for a 
color consultation. Now is the perfect timing to make your nest more welcoming just before the holidays and the family reunions. And if you know somebody you love and who needs a lift, you can even gift my services. It may change a life!

Be good and don't behave,
In Joy & Respect.

Life is NOT beige! Forget muddy tones for interior decoration...

The Elemental Productive Cycle in Feng Shui, colors included!

Your Comments:

·         10/14/2009 1:10 PM Amy wrote:
I am mostly blue #inagoodway : Blue/green, a cross betw aqua and teal, but translucent #thecolorofmylife !
In the flow, towards the growth!

·         10/14/2009 1:13 PM Ray Beckerman wrote:
Catherine, while I defer to your wisdom and expertise, I find it amusing that people can have such contrary views of things.

I'm the kind of person who totally loves beige, and if asked to pick a color as to what "life is", beige might well be the one I'd pick.

I certainly like it for most choices in the physical world, such as interiors and exteriors of homes and businesses, and for furnishings.

But your refreshing, delightful, and insightful outlook certainly gives me food for thought.

Hmmm... it might even get me to notice what's going on around me for a change.
  • 10/14/2009 1:37 PM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
    Dear Ray,
    as we know since we met in Twitterville, we are often in contrast, but most of the time on the same wave length... Stilettos versus bare feet, bright colors versus beige...

    Don't get me wrong, I can totally use beige for my clients, but it has to be a sharp one, not a muddy one that will burden them instead of uplifting their spirit.
    Look at colors like a touch of humor... maybe? hum?
    Merci for your comment, it means a lot to me.
·         10/15/2009 4:28 AM Donna Dawson wrote:
I used to be a beige person when we lived in Canada but since moving to Panama my colours have changed.
We live in a condo now and that beige colour would be too bright with our hot sun. My walls in DR and MBR are sea green silk type fine grass cloth & a bit darker green in LR - this was used because walls are concrete and noise is softened. The walls are all painted a colour called caffe latte - very similar to the tiny brown flowers you have on this page
Our office has a herringbone silk grass cloth again to soften noise.
It was great fun doing up our home and for once everything matches in our 34 years of marriage
Lots of green plants add to my serenity as I am a master gardener.
I will change the caffe latte to another colour in a year or so, but need help in deciding where to go next! Any ideas are most welcome!
  • 10/15/2009 8:21 AM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
    Donna, why don't you email me a picture of the room you want to change. I can have a look...

    BTW plants are always a very good life carrier in a room. Just avoid pointy spiky aggressive leaves indoor. If they fit perfectly symbolic outdoor protection, they are not suited for inside.
  • 10/19/2009 4:26 PM kris wrote:
    maybe you go from latte to orange juice!
    love kris
    ... i totally love bright colours, but also beige once in a while...
    but America definitely needs a colour revolution ---- MOST OF THE HOUSES are
·         10/15/2009 3:13 PM jes wrote:
For the record, and I say this with no disrespect intended to any of your readers, I think my son's goldfish has a better understanding of the use of color and style than most - we agree!
  • 10/16/2009 7:39 AM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
    Goldfish => very good luck in Feng Shui!

    I actually think style in decor is like taste in food, it needs to be educated since you are a child. It does not matter the money, the country, the options: if you show a child beauty, and make him/her feel it through his/her eyes, and understand it, chances are higher to have an adult who appreciates and cares for what is around. And dares to make strinking choices!
  • 10/19/2009 4:27 PM kris wrote:
    that is sharp - and sadly probably true!
    cheers kris
·         10/16/2009 12:52 AM michele wrote:
I love the blend of what you do

·         10/16/2009 8:58 AM Silvia wrote:
I love the blending of colors, fabrics, accessories and make the warm feel of home for each room
Merci beaucoup Catherine ...
  • 10/16/2009 4:39 PM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
    Je vous en prie! When you say "blending of colors" do you use the same shades or different one that you pair and harmonize?
    BTW are you on Twitter?

·         10/17/2009 4:08 PM Jodi Raven Hawk wrote:
Nice article. I agree. I am beige, however, I do not own to paint to my taste. I think I would try color. I have a variety of color on my wall via paintings etc, but it is quite a different affect with paint...

So when that delicious day comes when I own my own place, I will give it a whirl.

Good for people to think about.
·         10/18/2009 4:53 PM calvarezHIS wrote:
If your life is drab then blame the surroundings!
 I agree with Catherine, warm up your nest, get out of the beige funk even like if it's one pillow at a time
--like her "customer" above

PS:  My walls are tuscan inspired = PAS de BEIGE. I even own a red sofa in my bedroom!
  • 10/18/2009 5:44 PM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
    Ahhhhh Carol,  a red sofa, or a red chaise... So Sexy. So chic.
·         10/19/2009 10:48 AM journeymagic wrote:
From personal experience: whatever Catherine says about colors, take her very seriously! She knows what she's talking about.
She IS multi-talented: a great Interior Decorator, and as you may not know, along with a Feng Shui consultant, she is also a fabulous Coach!
Merci Cherie for all your assistance in the past: you have my permission to give me as a reference anytime!
  • 10/19/2009 11:24 AM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
    What a beautiful referral! Merci Veronica! 
    You first hired me for an Interior Decoration project, then several Feng Shui consultations and now some Inspirational Coaching sessions. And we became friends! You defintely know all my facettes!

·         10/19/2009 4:40 PM kris wrote:
... and the US needs a COLOR REVOLUTION! Maybe that would help THE ECONOMY?!

Some people say we become what we eat.
I say, we become what we see!
Most of the houses here - at least apartment- and housing communities- are painted BEIGE OR BETTER IN ANY SAD MUDDY COLOR.
I feel S A D, when I see them,... even better, next to the freeway!

carpe diem
come over and have a look!
Reply to this
·         1/4/2010 11:43 PM Keane wrote:
Very inspiring! I'll aim for more vibrancy

  • 1/5/2010 12:02 AM French Shui Cafe I Cat Grison wrote:
    Get the Life in, Keane, and shine it out!
    Bonne annee!
·         4/26/2010 3:07 AM bamboo rugs wrote:
Thanks for posting this info.
 I just want to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative. I can’t wait to read lots of your posts.
·         5/24/2010 3:54 AM Home Appliances wrote:
Color is so important. I remember in second grade hating my school - because the walls were beige and aqua-marine. Some orange and red - even a nice vibrant blue - would have made so much difference!
·         5/28/2010 9:58 PM Outdoor Chairs wrote:
I knew I loved your site when I saw the line "LIfe is not beige!"
What is it with all the beige with modern designers? It is so boring! I love it when they through in a beige pillow on a cream couch and proclaim they have added color! LOL
·         6/1/2010 10:24 PM moris wrote:
Honestly speaking I found some change in my fate after implementation of Feng shui in my home. I am herby sharing four simple Fengshui tips for you:

i) If you have your front door or front window open directly to a window or door at the back of your house, place a big screen or furniture to block the alignment to prevent good Chi from entering and leaving your house straight away.

ii) Find a way to brighten long and dark corridors. They trap bad chi inside your home and prevents the good chi from entering and circulating inside.

iii) It is good luck to place an aquarium or a fountain inside your home. Good Chi is attracted to water. A good place to place your aquarium is facing your front door inside the house to invite good Chi to come in. Other good places to put an aquarium or fountain: On the south-east element of your home for wealth, south-west for marriage, east for health, west for friends, north for career and north-east for education.

iv) Don't place your kitchen directly below a bathroom, nor place your kitchen in front or the centre of your house. Ideally, the kitchen should be located at the back of your home. And if you cook by open flame, it is best to cook outside the house.

·         8/4/2010 5:56 AM automated forex system wrote:
Nice article. I agree. I am beige, however, I do not own to paint to my taste. I think I would try color. I have a variety of color on my wall via paintings etc, but it is quite a different affect with paint...

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